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Synthetische Diamanten aus dem Labor

Laboratory Grown Diamonds

Our beautifully sparkling diamonds are grown fairly and ethically in the laboratory. Synthetic diamonds are in no way inferior to natural diamonds: their physical properties are identical and their sparkle is just as magical. See for yourself here!

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Synthetic diamonds from fejn jewelry - sustainably cultivated

We all know them: Terrible stories about "bloody diamonds", undignified conditions around diamond mining and exploitative child labor. Unfortunately, as sparkling and pure as the popular diamond itself, its manufacturing story is rare. At fejn, we put an end to this! We are aware of our responsibility - and have been since day one of our company history.

Wearing sparkling diamonds with a clear conscience? That is possible! Because we rely exclusively on synthetic diamonds that have been grown in the laboratory. What few people know: Lab-grown diamonds are a real alternative to their conventional relatives. Synthetic diamonds are just as high-carat and shapely as the natural gemstone variety. The disadvantage? There isn't one! Whether as your own favorite accessory or a sparkling gift, our minimally designed diamond rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces make for a glamorous appearance without compromise - timeless, genuine and simply beautiful.

Synthetic diamonds, authentic value

Adorning yourself with the suffering of others? Not an option for urban heroines. That's why at fejn we only use lab-grown diamonds. This is how sparkling jewelry moments meet a flawless conscience. Take our memory diamond ring in 14K yellow gold, for example. The filigree ring, which is adorned all around with synthetic diamonds weighing 0.01 carats, ensures pure, lasting luxury. Do you love glittering ear jewelry? Then our diamond huggies are the right choice. The small creoles with synthetic diamonds put your ear with 0.01 carat skillfully in the limelight.

At fejn jewelry you will find sustainable diamond jewelry without sacrificing quality. Because who would have thought it: With the naked eye, the differences between synthetic diamonds and the naturally formed gemstones are not noticeable at all. Even in terms of price, artificial diamonds and the naturally formed version of the gemstones are on par. Unlike the conventionally mined version, however, our synthetic diamonds are guaranteed to have been created without suffering. If you want to buy lab-grown diamonds and prefer them to the classically procured gemstone, you have many good reasons to do so.

Diamonds grown in the laboratory

Unlike their naturally occurring counterpart, which was formed millions of years ago in the earth's interior under blazing heat and enormous pressure, synthetic diamonds grow in the laboratory. But: The diamonds grown in the laboratory are far from being fake diamonds! Because synthetic diamonds produced in this way have the same properties as their naturally occurring counterparts. And this is true both from a chemical and a physical point of view. Lab-grown diamonds are made of 100% carbon and are just as hard as the variety of the gemstone formed inside the earth. And these are just some of the reasons why you should buy synthetic diamonds.

Once the growing process is complete in the lab, a synthetic diamond can be machined and cut as desired. Synthetic diamonds thus provide a sustainable answer to traditional diamond mining, which has come under criticism. For the gemstones discovered as early as the fourth century BC, this marks the beginning of a new era!

This is how synthetic diamonds are made

But how exactly do lab-created diamonds work? Essentially, there are two ways to produce synthetic diamonds: The first manufacturing method, called High Temperature High Pressure (HPHT), involves forming carbon particles into a diamond under high pressure and at high temperatures in a pressure chamber. The second extraction process, called Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), relies on the re-growth of a synthetic diamond from an existing piece of the gemstone. Through a complex steam process, a new, artificial diamond is created. At fejn, we rely on the CVD method to produce synthetic diamonds. In the process, we also pay attention to environmentally friendly energy production. The result is a sustainable gemstone that benefits everyone.

Want to find out more about the manufacturing processes and the lab-grown diamonds used at fejn? Then check out our blog article on Lab Grown Diamonds.

Top-class token of love – giving away Lab Grown Diamonds

Eine bekannte Situation: Das nächste Geburtstagsgeschenk für Mama oder die beste Freundin soll etwas ganz Besonderes sein, die Konfirmation des Patenkindes steht bevor oder der “Husband to be” plant eine funkelnde Verlobungsüberraschung. Zeitlos schöner Diamantschmuck von fejn darf bei keinem dieser Anlässe fehlen. Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit unserer edlen tiny diamond necklace für Mama, den tiny diamond stud Ohrringen für die Beste oder dem zeitlos schönen single diamond ring für die wichtigste Frage der Liebe?   

Wenn du dich nun fragst: “Wer möchte schon einen Labor-Diamant-Ring?” Dann sollte die richtige Antwort darauf definitiv lauten: “Jeder!” Denn auch wenn der Begriff gewöhnungsbedürftig anmutet – im Labor gezüchtete Diamanten stehen den natürlich vorkommenden Edelsteinen in nichts nach! Mit demselben Look und gleichen Eigenschaften sorgen synthetische Diamanten für einen fejnen Funkel-Look mit einem wunderbaren Gefühl von Verantwortung. Du bist unsicher, mit welcher Ringgröße du bei deiner Partnerin richtig liegst? Unser Blogartikel verrät, wie du die Ringgröße ermitteln kannst, ohne dass sie etwas davon erfährt. So gelingt die perfekte Überraschung garantiert.

Noch besonderer wird das nachhaltige Diamant-Gschenk mit der richtigen Verpackung. Unsere umweltschonenden Furoshikis sorgen schon beim Auspacken für strahlende Augen! Die quadratischen Tücher aus Japan dienen seit jeher als praktische Verpackung oder Tragebeutel. Bei fejn sind sie nicht nur umweltschonend produziert, sondern können auch wiederverwendet werden. Das einzigartige Tuchdesign verleiht deinen im Labor gezüchteten Diamanten Grown den letzten Schliff.